Learn more about the 2025 Coin Center Annual Dinner

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Coin Center’s Top Policy Priorities for 2025

Recently we published our analysis of the changing crypto policy landscape following the elections. Now we’d like to offer you a list of our top outstanding policy issues and potential...

Analysis: The disappointing denial of Tornado dev’s motion to dismiss

Recently Judge Katherine Polk Failla offered her reasons for denying a motion to dismiss the charges against Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm. Storm has been charged in the Southern District...

The Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act is an opportunistic, unconstitutional assault on cryptocurrency self custody, developers, and node operators

The bipartisan Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act, introduced today by Sens. Warren and Marshall, is the most direct attack on the personal freedom and privacy of cryptocurrency users and developers...

Does the Merge change how Ethereum is regulated? (No.)

The Ethereum Merge is resurfacing questions about regulatory differences between proof-of-stake and and proof-of-work. As we've said many times, we do not believe that the technological differences between POS and...

New crypto sanctions bill targets publishing code, facilitating transactions

Senator Warren and a raft of Democratic co-sponsors today introduced a bill [PDF] titled the Digital Asset Sanctions Compliance Enhancement Act, which would place sweeping restrictions on the cryptocurrency ecosystem...

How policymakers should think about “staking”

A misconception we sometimes see from policymakers looking at cryptocurrency networks is that “staking” and “staking rewards” are some kind of security or interest-bearing lending activity that should be subject...

Open Blockchains and Decentralized Identity Standards

Coin Center is the leading non-profit research and advocacy center focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency and decentralized computing technologies. Our mission is to build a better understanding...

How an open patents alliance can protect all cryptocurrency developers

On the Coin Center Tangents podcast this week I talked to Kirupa Pushparaj (who runs the intellectual property practice at Square) about the Crypto Open Patents Alliance. If you’re part...

The ideal regulatory environment for Bitcoin

We’re often asked what our ideal regulatory environment would be for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies like it. A few years ago, in a regulatory submission to the Indian Ministry of Finance,...

Do anti-encryption bills in Congress pose a risk to cryptocurrency?

Two bills threatening encryption are driving headlines in the cryptocurrency space, the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data (LAED) Act and the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (“EARN...

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