Learn more about the 2025 Coin Center Annual Dinner

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It’s time for Congress to kill the broker rule.

We anticipate that Congress will soon vote on a joint resolution to revoke the IRS’s unconstitutional December broker rule.1 The December rule obligates mere software and infrastructure providers to identify...

Coin Center Fellow Michael Lewellen is suing the DOJ over their criminalization of software development

Today Coin Center Fellow and smart contract security expert Michael Lewellen filed suit against the Department of Justice for their chilling interpretation of the unlicensed money transmission criminal statutes. Coin...

New CFPB rulemaking makes no distinction between custodial and self-custody wallets

Today the CFPB released a new notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on “Electronic Fund Transfers Through Accounts Established Primarily for Personal, Family, or Household Purposes Using Emerging Payment Mechanisms.” In...

The IRS’ midnight broker rule still targets software providers with unfit and unconstitutional KYC requirements

It has become a quadrennial holiday tradition in crypto policy for the outgoing administration to release a civil-liberties-damaging rulemaking at the last possible moment, the midnight period before a new...

If Budget Reconciliation is used for Tax Provisions, Crypto should be Included

In the wake of a political sea change in Washington, Republicans have begun discussing tax changes for next year. The discussion centers around a process known as “budget reconciliation” and...

Coin Center’s Top Policy Priorities for 2025

Recently we published our analysis of the changing crypto policy landscape following the elections. Now we’d like to offer you a list of our top outstanding policy issues and potential...

Coin Center’s Analysis of the Crypto Policy Landscape Following the Elections

Crypto got a lot of attention in the recent election, and many are wondering how friendly the new administration and Congress will be. In a nutshell, we expect things to...

Jarrett takes IRS back to court in fight over crypto block rewards

Today Josh Jarrett filed a new lawsuit challenging the IRS’s taxation of block rewards, and Coin Center is pleased to be assisting him in this litigation. We have been advocating...

Analysis: The disappointing denial of Tornado dev’s motion to dismiss

Recently Judge Katherine Polk Failla offered her reasons for denying a motion to dismiss the charges against Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm. Storm has been charged in the Southern District...

Some Personal News…

Coin Center celebrated its tenth anniversary earlier this year, which was an incredible milestone, and we think it’s the right time for another one. At the end of the year...

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