Neeraj Agrawal
Communications Director
Neeraj Agrawal is director of communications at Coin Center.
All articles by Neeraj
Congress takes a step toward a de minimis exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions
Grayscale is matching donations to Coin Center up to $1 million
Congress takes a step toward a de minimis exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions
Get your tickets for the 2020 Coin Center Annual Dinner
Eight members of Congress have asked the IRS to fix its broken guidance on forks and airdrops.
Save the Date: The 2020 Coin Center Annual Dinner will be on May 11, 2020.
Non-custodial cryptocurrency mixer developers are not subject to U.S. regulation.
Photos from the 2019 Coin Center Annual Dinner now available.
Evaluating estimates of Bitcoin electricity use
Congressional report on cryptocurrency cites multiple Coin Center resources.
We held a briefing in Congress on open cryptocurrency tax questions.
Howey test found to be determined under admiralty law and therefore invalid
The Human Rights Foundation wants to help activists and journalists use Bitcoin to stay private.
SEC and CFTC Commissioners to headline Coin Center Annual Dinner.
Coin Center files comment in CFTC proceeding on Ethereum
We demonstrated the Bitcoin Lightning Network in Congress.
The next Coin Center Annual Dinner will be on May 13, 2019
Two new digital asset associations launch to advance cryptocurrency professionalization.
The Blockchain Alliance reaches 100 law enforcement, regulator, and cryptocurrency industry members.
Several members of Congress have sent a letter to the IRS calling for cryptocurrency tax clarity.
Experts weigh in the the state of cryptocurrency regulation.
Coin Center raises $1.2 million spurred by Kraken matching pledge.
Photos from the 2018 Coin Center Annual Dinner now available
Kraken is matching donations to Coin Center up to $1 million
SEC Chairman Clayton: Bitcoin is not a security.
Coin Center Travel Series: How cryptocurrency is being used around the world
Want to understand cryptocurrency policy? Try these podcasts.
Early bird tickets are now available for the Coin Center Annual Dinner.
The ULC’s Model Virtual Currency regulation has been introduced in Hawaii & Nebraska.
A new study finds less than 1% of Bitcoin transactions to exchanges are illicit.
We talked with the CFTC, Politico, and NPR about why cryptocurrency matters.
Making sense of Lightning network nodes and money transmission licensing
Coin Center in the news: Bitcoin futures, Retail investors, CryptoKitties, and more.
We briefed the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force.
Coin Center gave a regulatory update at Ethereum Devcon3.
Two podcasts that will help you understand the token boom.
The CFTC published a new report on cryptocurrencies today
We taught Congress about ICOs.
In Congressional Testimony, SEC Chairman says compliant ICOs are possible.
Use cryptocurrency to help victims of Mexico earthquake.
What are the tax implications of Bitcoin’s big fork?
Steptoe is putting on a Bitcoin tax event in DC.
Save the Date: The 2018 Coin Center Annual Dinner with be on May 14, 2018.
We demonstrated how Bitcoin works in Congress.
Pictures from the 2017 Coin Center Annual Dinner are now available.
Video: How does multisig make bitcoin more secure?
Coin Center briefed four major DC organizations on open blockchains this week.
How will regulators look at your token sale?
We helped NPR buy some bitcoin.
Bitcoin will grow organically, but there are a few things government can do to clear its path.
We testified in Congress and advocated for your right to innovate with open blockchains
Illinois state-chartered banks learned how they can support Bitcoin businesses.
Coin Center to testify at two separate Congressional hearings on Bitcoin this Thursday.
Come meet Coin Center in Chicago on June 5th.
More mainstream use will help regulators understand Bitcoin’s benefits.
Six principles governments around the world should heed when considering blockchain regulation
Why ransomware criminals use Bitcoin and why that could be their undoing.
Get your tickets for the Coin Center Annual Dinner.
Wary banks may be choking off the blockchain industry.
The Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF has been rejected by the SEC.
We explained open blockchains at the FTC’s FinTech forum today.
Hawaii’s issue with Bitcoin businesses has an obvious and easy solution.
What does the future of cryptocurrencies and open blockchains look like?
We taught Congress about Bitcoin vs Blockchain.
Blockchain’s night out: the Coin Center Annual Dinner is back!
Congressional Blockchain Caucus kicks off
The price of bitcoin still doesn’t matter right now.
“Dear Mr. Trump: To ‘Cyber’ Better, Try the Blockchain.”
This academic study of digital currency businesses needs your help.
The IRS’s indiscriminate request for Coinbase data sets a dangerous precedent.
What are the hurdles facing a blockchain enabled future?
Video: Could your decentralized token project run afoul of securities laws?
How does Coin Center advocate for sound Bitcoin policy?
Coin Center gear is now available on OpenBazaar.
What are the regulatory issues facing cryptocurrency developers?
Coin Center has been named to this year’s POLITICO 50 list of top DC influencers.
The blockchain powered future is amazing and maybe even a little scary.
Bitcoin is a legitimate technology that’s being exploited by extortionists for ransomware.
We got a deeper look at how law enforcement uses Bitcoin forensics.
Open blockchains could be a democratizing force for social good.
The DC scene got a little dose of blockchain today.
The world’s regulators are racing to develop blockchain policy.
Is your crypto-crowdsale a security?
Cryptocurrency: The Policy Challenges of a Decentralized Revolution.
Our Congressional testimony on the blockchain’s disruptive potential
Coin Center and Google host “Digital Gold” Book event in Washington, DC
Your Toolkit for Bitcoin Education
New Backgrounder: Why are there so many Bitcoin Scams?
New Backgrounder: What are Micropayments and How does Bitcoin Enable Them?
New backgrounder: How can law enforcement leverage the blockchain in investigations?
Coin Center releases new shirt for supporters
Pocket Satoshi White Paper now available for more Coin Center donors
Coin Center releases March 2015 Bitcoin Public Sentiment Survey Data
Coin Center to testify before NJ State Assembly