The New Jersey State Assembly today deepens the ranks of lawmakers who are working to educate themselves on the promise of digital currencies like Bitcoin.
The New Jersey State Assembly today deepens the ranks of lawmakers who are working to educate themselves on the promise of digital currencies like Bitcoin. The Assembly’s Financial Institutions and...
The New York Department of Financial Services has released a revision of its proposed BitLicense. This revised draft will soon be published in the New York State Register and that...
One of the things we do on an almost daily basis at Coin Center is explain Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and what they mean for society and the economy. We usually do...
Yesterday I spoke at the European Parliament's STOA (that's Science and Technology Options Assessment) workshop. I was one of eight speakers discussing, "The Collaborative Economy: Impact and Potential of Collaborative...
With the help of Coinbase and Blockstream, we explained to an audience of over 700 policymakers and DC insiders the potential we see in Bitcoin, and answered questions about policy implications for the technology.
Yesterday we attended State of the Net, the biggest technology and Internet policy conference in the country. The annual DC event has become the central forum for technologists and policymakers...
Today we announce the first results from our ongoing Coin Center Bitcoin Public Sentiment Survey. This is the first study that attempts to measure the attitudes of the American public toward...
The annual State of the Net conference in Washington, DC, is the largest Internet policy conference in America with over 700 attendees last year. It is sponsored under the auspices of the...
Last weekend at MIT and Harvard there were blockchain workshops. Both lawyers and coders are, I'm quite certain, nerds. Often however they belong to rival tribes of nerdom. Lawyers from...
Today Coinbase, a popular Bitcoin broker and merchant services provider, announced the closure of a $75 million fundraising round. That is a huge investment – the largest in a Bitcoin related company...