A misconception we sometimes see from policymakers looking at cryptocurrency networks is that “staking” and “staking rewards” are some kind of security or interest-bearing lending activity that should be subject...
The United States government really does not like Americans to make large cash transactions. Now, due to a new law, it really, really does not want Americans to use “digital...
Coin Center testified before the Joint Economic Committee in a hearing entitled "Demystifying Crypto: Digital Assets and the Role of Government." Peter Van Valkenburgh's written testimony can be found here.
After a half-year delay, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is back with crypto guidance. The good news is that it’s not as bad as last spring and even includes...
Coin Center is the leading non-profit research and advocacy center focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency and decentralized computing technologies. Our mission is to build a better understanding...
Much has been said of the dangerously ambiguous revised definition of “broker” in the infrastructure bill and its potential to stifle cryptocurrency innovation in the U.S. There is, however, another...
Coin Center testified before the Senate Banking Committee in a hearing entitled "Cryptocurrencies: What are they good for?" Jerry Brito's written testimony is available here. For more information and...
Coin Center's Peter Van Valkenburgh testified before the subcommittee. His written testimony is available here. Additional questions for the record, published after the hearing, are available here. More...
Hosted by Coin Center and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Nic Carter: What is cryptocurrency for Hayekians? Nevin Freeman: Private Money Balaji Srinivasan: The Pseudonymous Economy Erik Voorhees: Decentralization & Use of Knowledge in Society Peter Van Valkenburgh: Fatal...