This is the final installment of Coin Center's multi-part travel series examining how cryptocurrency is used around the world. The final stop on the Coin Center travel series was one of...
Jerry Brito lays out why society must embrace the privacy cryptocurrencies offer and what we could give up in a world without them. Learn more about this conversation.
On May 16th, in response to a letter from 21 members of Congress, IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig wrote, “I share your belief that taxpayers deserve clarity on basic issues...
Recently Congress has taken a strong interest in the newly announced Libra digital currency. We have been getting many questions from policymakers and the media about how Libra (as described...
In addition to their widely touted commercial use-cases, cryptocurrency and open blockchain technologies can significantly empower and improve the welfare of individual consumers. Because they do not offer the same...
Coin Center representatives at cryptocurrency conferences on different sides of the world come together for a panel on our message to policymakers on privacy.
Our experts shared stages from simultaneous cryptocurrency conferences on different sides of the world. They came together for a conversation about our message to policymakers on privacy.
We've had a number of people ask us about the FATF interpretive note that will be coming out this year and how it may change anti-money laundering (AML) law with...
As outlined in its consultation paper, “Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive”, HM Treasury is currently considering broadening the scope of the UK’s anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism...
We urge HM Treasury to refrain from an over-broadening of its AMF/CFT regulation, as such an expansion would violate UK citizens’ free speech and privacy rights
When Kik made public its Wells notice response in January, many folks asked us what we thought and whether we would be commenting on the matter. What we told anyone...