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Ledger joins ranks of Coin Center Founders Circle

We are thrilled to welcome their support.

Ledger, one of the leading manufacturers of Bitcoin hardware and software wallets, has become Coin Center’s first consumer hardware Founders Circle supporter. Ledger’s support will help us continue our work...

Celebrating one year of crypto-advocacy

Over 100 meetings with policymakers later, an update on our first year of cryptocurrency advocacy.

Coin Center is celebrating its first year of crypto-advocacy! Since launching last September our team has been hard at work to ensure that any government action on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin...

Sponsor of California’s Bitcoin bill responds to critics, here’s our take

Opposition to California's proposed digital currency bill is misguided. Here's why.

California Assemblymember Matt Dababneh, sponsor of the state’s proposed digital currency legislation (AB 1326), has issued a statement excoriating the Electronic Frontier Foundation  for their opposition to his legislation. Coin Center has...

Startup exodus from New York highlights BitLicense’s threat to innovation

The BitLicense was intended to foster innovation while protecting consumers. It may have had the opposite effect. 

This week the New York BitLicense took effect as the application deadline passed. Not surprisingly, a number of Bitcoin businesses announced that they would cease operations in the state rather than apply...

EFF’s opposition to California bill unwittingly endangers Bitcoin innovators

We think their opposition stems from a misunderstanding of the state of the law in this space—one that could have dangerous consequences.

Today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has launched a lobbying campaign opposing California’s A.B. 1326, a bill that would create a new licensing system for digital currency businesses in the state. It’s a...

“Digital Gold” Google Book Event w/ Nathaniel Popper

Coin Center and Google DC hosted a conversation with Nathaniel Popper of the New York Times. His new book, Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside History of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money, documents the early history of cryptocurrency and features many of the players who have been part of building it into a global phenomenon.

Popper was joined on stage by Carter Dougherty, a Bloomberg News reporter who has covered Bitcoin from the beginning. They discussed the rise of Bitcoin and how it first came to...

Get your FREE Coin Center pocket Bitcoin White Paper

We are giving out free pocket editions of the white paper that started it all.

In 2009, the concept of cryptocurrency was introduced in “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” by Satoshi Nakamoto, or as it has come to be known, The Bitcoin White Paper....

Testimony before California Senate

Coin Center executive director Jerry Brito testified before the California State Senate's Banking and Financial Institutions committee in support of the bill AB 1326 virtual currency. Joining him in their...

Coin Center and Google host “Digital Gold” Book event in Washington, DC

The event will feature a discussion on the history of Bitcoin and the characters who built it into a global phenomenon.

On Tuesday, July 21st, at 5 p.m., please join Coin Center and Google DC, for a conversation with Nathaniel Popper of the New York Times. His new book, Digital Gold: Bitcoin and...

BitLicense: It’s not just for New Yorkers

The BitLicense is a confusing new regulation, but this is the top line: it can apply to your business even if you are not located in New York.

This post originally appeared on the Engine.is blog. We’ve one month to go until the grace period ends and the BitLicense—New York’s new digital currency regulations—comes into full effect. What’s a...